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The Oldest Writings From The Time Of David's Kingdom

The Oldest Writings From The Time Of David's Kingdom. Israeli archaeologists found the oldest inscription written in Hebrew. Four-line inscription on pottery pieces were found from Hirbet Qeifaya, former Jerusalem's old city in the south of the estimated age of 3000 years.

Pieces of pottery were found in a single layer of soil with charcoal, olive trees are estimated buried between 1000-975 BC based on the measurement of carbon-14. This shows the writing dates from the Kingdom of David.

This writing has found last July made up of proto-Canaanite characters, which is used by the early Hebrew alphabet Israel. Characters are not only used in Hebrew, but from the results identified in the text there is a verb that is used only Hebrew.

Yossi Garfinkel, who led the evacuation said the finding evidence that Israel has a culture of written many centuries before the Bible was written. It also shows new facts as evidence that a number of stories written in the Gospel according to literature and not from a story by word of mouth.

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